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Monday, November 29, 2010

Desserts without Filling and Frosting

Desserts WITHOUT Filling and Frosting
$ 12.00 kg.
The most "yummy" Brazilian desserts -  "Quindim" - Egg & Coconut Pudding, Pudim de Leite - Condensed Milk Pudding,
"Brigadeirao" - Condensed Milk & Chocolate Pudding and Cake pudding.

Sweetened condensed milk, thick cream and coconut flakes are main ingredients for many Brazilian desserts.

"Quindim" is a typical Brazilian sweet with eggs and coconut. Usually it's very yellow due to the eggs used in the recipe; however, my recipe is healthy because I cut various eggs in this dessert with preservation of flavour.

"Brigadeirao" is a Brazilian dessert a cross between flan and chocolate pudding; it is super popular in Brazil.

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