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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Gifts & Brazilian Crafts - Stones

Pink Agate - Vitality, eloquence, courage, are on the land; aid in the physical and mental balance, improving the self-confidence. It perfects the ego and auto-esteem, it fortifies the heart, it illuminates the mind, it attracts inheritances. It protects against robberies, it moves away to storms and aid in the childbirths.

Ágata Rosa- Vitalidade, eloqüência, coragem, está ligada a terra; ajuda no equilíbrio físico e mental, melhorando a autoconfiança. Aperfeiçoa o ego e auto-estima, fortalece o coração, ilumina a mente, atrai heranças. Protege contra roubos, afasta tempestades e ajuda nos partos.

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